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Monday, June 17, 2013

Operation Makeover

I am sure I am not alone in the fact that my idea of getting dressed in the morning,  ever since I had a baby,  is throwing on black yoga pants and a t-shirt. Hair thrown up in a messy bun or ponytail and no makeup. I am pretty much a hot mess on a regular basis.  It's honestly starting to make me depressed. I don't want to go out because I have nothing to wear or I feel nothing looks good on me  and I am ready to make a change.

The big problem is that I have gained a lot of weight over the past 5 years. A good 50-60 pounds. So I feel that nothing looks good on me so I just wear whatever I feel can mask my fatness. I used to dress so cute and trendy and I really am missing those days. I used to always be out doing things  and looking cute while doing them but now I just feel like a blob. Don't get me wrong, I am not morbidly obese or anything but I know what it feels like to be fit and cute and I miss those days. I am going to get them back.

How did I let myself gain all that weight you may ask? Well, it was gradual over a few years. First I suffered the loss of my best friend and grandma and coped with my grief by eating. Then , I had a bad back injury so I could no longer workout 6 days as week like I used to.  Then I got pregnant and after having the baby there really wasn't any time to go to the gym. So little by lttle the pounds packed on.

Well, my birthday is in 6 weeks so my goal is to lose at least 20 pounds by then.  I ultimately hope to lose double that but I'll take 20 to start.  Then I am going to ask for a new wardrobe for my birthday. Hopefully being 20 pounds lighter clothing will look a little better on me. Then, I want to do something drastic with my hair. I am thinking about cutting it so it's about shoulder length once it's dry and curly. I also want to go platinum blonde. Drastic I know but I need drastic change.

I will touch base with you all at about the 3 week mark and let you know how I am doing with getting towards my weight loss goal. And of course there will be a big post for my birthday featuring my big makeover!

Thin and fit at my wedding
Me now. Ugh!