Thursday, April 16, 2015

I'm Not Lucky

Huge things happening for me and Hole In Her Stocking Designs lately so in actuality I do feel pretty damn lucky but I made my own luck. I take insult to people telling me how "lucky" I am that my business continues to grow and that I get to work from home and be my own boss. Is it amazing? Yes! But I worked extremely hard to get to this point. It had nothing to do with luck.

I am sure people don't mean it as an insult but I don't think they are actually thinking about what they are saying. If you are saying the fact that my business is successful is luck, you are insinuating that it's success was out of my hands, that my hard work and dedication had nothing to do with it. This is obviously not the case.

Okay, I will admit there is always a little bit of luck in everything. Right place at the right time type thing but that can only take you so far. You need to work you booty off or your luck will run out. I definitely notice that the harder people work and the more dedication they have the luckier they seem because they are always working and moving forward that some good things are bound to happen to them because they are around the right people and doing the right thing to get ahead.

I have always been a hard worker. Working more than one job and being a mom and hardly ever sleeping or watching TV (unless I was designing jewelry of course). I'm working on my business 7 days a week. I don't have weekends. I'm not complaining because all that hard work is paying off. You might call me lucky but I made my own luck. xoxo


  1. I hate when people attribute stuff gained by hard work to luck...drives me crazy. People think nobody works hard anymore.

  2. Hahaha this is slightly off topic but I have a friend whose mom is an overly conservative Christian. She used to go through all of their books and whiteout "luck" or "lucky" and put "blessed" over it hahahaha. So happy to hear you are doing big things!

  3. I'm excited to hear about your big moves!! And I agree, luck only gets you so far.

  4. "Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity". Good for you for recognizing that your hard work pays off. Sometimes when I get told that "i'm lucky" I believe it, and I sell myself short by thinking the only reason for my success is luck. Not true. Ya gotta work hard to get ahead in life.

  5. One of my favorite quotes is that luck is when preparation meets in a way it's not really luck at all if you weren't prepared for it in the first place. Clearly you were!! Glad your hard work is paying off.

  6. Yes, yes, YES!! Lord knows you have worked your tail off and all these successes are so so deserved!

  7. So so true! You've worked your butt off and you totally deserve credit where credit is due!

  8. Luck is not always a necessary element to success. But will and hard work are. I wish you luck in everything you do.

  9. I totally agree with you. Luck may have some tiny part to play in some situations (and maybe a BIG part in others) but when it comes to business and working hard, you definitely succeed because of your effort, not because some deus ex machina popped in at the end and made things happen.

  10. Preach it, girl! It's tough being a business owner and hearing someone make it sound like all my hard work is only paying off because of chance.
