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Thursday, October 9, 2014

October: A Love/Hate Relationship

I love October, I truly do. It is my favorite month. The great weather and the fall activities, what's not to love? Well I'll tell you, the fact that I'm finding very little time to do the things I love so much about October. One of my Etsy shops: Oh So Pretty Designs has lots of adult tutus and with Halloween on the horizon the orders are flooding in.

I don't mean to complain about business being good because I am ecstatic about that but October has now turned into one blur of a day. I am also having weird dreams involving tulle. It's getting to my brain! Ahhh!!! But there is definitely a silver lining, the money I'm making from all these orders is going towards something very exciting which I hope to share with you in the next few days.

In the meanwhile, this post needs to be cut short so I can get back to my tutu making and create more masterpieces like you see below.

If you are interested in getting a tutu for Halloween I am still accepting orders but will probably need to stop soon so don't delay in ordering yours today!! xoxo

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