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Monday, March 16, 2015

3 Ridiculous Things I Believed As A Child

As children many of us were gullible especially myself. Because of this fact there were more than a few crazy things I believed were true as a wee one.

1. Underneath all roads was a huge vacant hole to the center of the Earth. I would always panic when I saw a crack in the road. I was afraid it was going to get larger and that people and/or cars would fall down into the center of the Earth. I guess I envisioned the Earth as an egg and it's surface was as thin as an egg shell and and any cracks or holes were direct routes to an unknown abyss.

2.  If I stayed still for too long I would turn to stone. I blame this on my mom and grandma. They told me this when I was little and I believed it until early adolescence. I think their intention was to keep me active but I think it was a harsh thing to say especially since I believed it.  I would be sitting on the couch watching a movie and all of a sudden I would remember I was sitting still for a while and would quickly flail my whole body before I would turn into a statue. I constantly looked like I was having seizures thanks to this little lie.

3. That if perfectly placed in a circle around me in my bed my stuffed animals would protect me from monsters and other evil things. I suppose I had a touch of early OCD. Every night my stuffed animals needed to be placed around me in a certain order to protect me at night. If one fell on the floor while I was still awake I needed to pick it up or I wouldn't be able to relax and fall asleep. I'm embarrassed to say how long this went on for.

I sure hope I'm not the only who believed some nutty things as a child. Did you believe anything ridiculous as a child? If so, please share!! xoxo


  1. fun fact: my parents convinced me that I couldn't see my dad's camouflage hunting cooler (+ therefore anything that was camouflaged.) really it just wouldn't be in the room. but MAN I believed it until I was like, in high school.

  2. haha! This is SO cute! What a fun post idea, too!

  3. This is really cute! I might have to steal this idea and share some of you credit, of course!

  4. HAHAHA numbers 1 and 3 were totally me as well!

  5. Ready for my ridiculous fear and belief of childhood? That the bathroom on an airplane would just drop out of the plane and fall from the sky (with me in it by the way). Even as an adult if I ever used the bathroom on a plane I hurried. Bizarre but true.

  6. I love the things kids come up with! All these made my laugh. It's so true kids say and think and do the darndest things.

  7. I was CONVINCED there were monsters under my bed and that if I didn't jump as far as possible from the bed when getting up, they would reach out and grab my ankles.
