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Monday, March 3, 2014

Blogging Besties Wanted : Apply Here!

 I have to admit I have been feeling a bit lonely and unloved in the blogging world. I hardly have any comments on my posts and sometimes I just don't get it. My posts are just as good as other people's posts that get tons of comments. I also have been taking the time out to read and comment on lots of blogs and I feel like nobody takes the time out to check out my blog. Now do I expect every person's blog I comment on to comment back? No but if I have given you 20 blog comments in the past month and you haven't checked out my blog even once, I label you a "blogging snob." I get it many of the blogs I comment on are much larger than my own and they get tons of comments so it would be impossible for them to return all the love but if you constantly see a name you could give a quick look once in a great while to show some reader appreciation.

Okay so I didn't mean for this post to be a pity party or biotch fest, I want it to have a positive purpose. If you feel the same way and would like someone to regularly read your blog and comment, I will be your girl!! I only ask that you reciprocate the love!! Just leave a comment below with your blog address and I will head on over and give some blogging love. Let the friendships begin!! xoxo

P.S. I am looking to do some ad swaps so if interested, let me know. AND I am currently offering 50% off all sponsorship options with code: DANCE .


  1. Oh, Jenny I understand how you feel! But it is even more interesting as you have quite a lot of followers (1414 followers vs. my 104/83... I am a total noob!). I guess there is no reciepe for success but I can tell you I love reading your blog yet I had very few times in which I felt the need to reply back... dunno why... don't shoot!! :)
    Yours truly,
    The LadyBug @

  2. I completely know how you feel. After switching blogs some people seemed to be genuinely mad at me and people who I thought had been bloggy friends disappeared .I had thought I had become part of this great community and I became so disillusioned after it all evaporated. But I have found other amazing bloggers out there, built up and a new community, and I'm happy with this whole process of blogging again. Hang in there!

  3. Oh, honey, hang in there! I admit I usually read your posts, but it's often from my phone where it's hard to comment (and someone REALLY needs to invent something to make that easier.). I so enjoy reading about you and your little girl - keep it up and I'll try to be on the computer instead of my phone more!

    Oh, and something that might help - take the captcha off. It really tends to deter people from commenting!

  4. Well, based on your definition above I am NOT a blog snob! I believe that we have exchanged comments in that past and I hope to continue to do so. I know it can be lonely when you feel like nobody is interested. It kinda sucks! Don't let the blog world get you down. : )

  5. Awww, I know where you are coming from! It's very frustrating .. I love meeting new people and this is the first time I've been to your blog but I will be back! :) And I agree ... someone needs to fix the problem with commenting by phone! I get so frustrated! I will give you some love! :) Nice meeting you!

    Faith @ Life w/ Mrs G & the Artist

  6. It can definitely be hard to form relationships with some bloggers. I usually give it a little while and if nothing happens... I'm done! Onto the next! :)

  7. I know with me I'm terrible at making sure to comment on a regular basis, especially if a certain topic don't get my fingers typing. Like most creepers I'm always there lurking and reading : )

  8. Hey! I feel exactly the same sometimes. There are times that I don't have any comments and I feel nobody likes my blog. But I do it anyways. Don't feel lonely! You are not alone in this huge bloggy world! :)

  9. I know how you feel, there are certain bloggers (even smaller ones) that I comment on all the time that never get any replies and it kind of makes me not want to keep commenting. Also sometimes I just read a blog for a while before I comment, I have no idea why I do it and didn't even noticed before another blogger said something about it in a post. I'm lucky if I get 3 comments at the most on a blog post!

    I would love to swap ads with you! I've even started offering swapping the bigger ads with the same benefits as you would get if you paid! Let me know it you'd be interested!

  10. I think we all have felt this way one time or another! It can be so awkward trying to start a friendship with another blogger because I feel like oh wow I really like this person, but really you don't know them in real life and it might seem creepy to them that you like them that much! But I agree that if you are commenting on someone's blog frequently they should definitely make the effort to stop by and say hello

  11. I know just how you feel!! I will be your blogging friend! Stick with it you have great content and plenty of loyal readers!


  12. Hmmm...I know how you feel. I'm pretty new at this blogging stuff and definitely new to the social media stuff. Sometimes I like and follow so many other people, but don't get the love back. This week alone I've "liked" so many fb pages, but only have 53 "likes" on mine...oh well. Just keep plugging away and they will come :-)

  13. I totally understand how you're feeling! Even though I have followers, it's hard to tell if anyone ACTUALLY reads the posts. I'm over at

  14. Hi Jenny! This is my first time on your blog, found you off the Coast to Coast bloggers map because I was looking for fellow Long Island bloggers. I totally know where you're coming from with people not reciprocating the love.. I too have very little comments on my posts.. It has actually shifted my content from actual writing that takes effort to review/giveaways because I ask myself, why put in such hard work developing a well written article for it to have no comments! I'm slowly but surely changing back to content though.. And FYI I'm on Blogger as well and I use Intense Debate for my comments.. it works GREAT on mobile and has CommentLuv.. And even though it's my first time here, I'd love to be your blogging bestie! Long Islanders unite! LOL
