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Thursday, August 14, 2014

Oh Hey Friday! / Blogger Love 5 Friday Favorites

Wooohooo!!! It's Friday!! Okay, being a mom and self employed makes the weekend no different from any other day but I'll be excited for you guys.

Time to show some blogger love with 5 of my favorite posts from the week and this was a good week.

1 - Robin Williams, The Act of Suicide and the Vilification of Mental Illness by Tyler from Arkansassy. If I could give a standing ovation after reading a blog post this would deserve just that. Fantastic post about mental illness and the way Americans need to change their view on it. Instead of me going on giving tons of praises just go read it. NOW!

2 - 5 Books To Read In 2014 (+ Some I Hated) by Helene from Helene In Between. I love to read and i am actually on the hunt for some new good reads so this post came just in time. Cannot wait to read some of these suggestions.

3 - A Clean Slate by Anne from Love The Here and Now. The title says it all, sometimes you just need a clean slate. I certainly feel that way lately and this post was inspiring. Need to feel better about things go give this post a look.

4 - Las Vegas Confessions by Cece from Pink Sunshine. I have always wanted to go to Vegas. I almost went on my honeymoon. And this post certainly made the urge to go that much stronger.

5 - Another "see you later" by Samantha from The Samantha Show. If you are military spouse this is a MUST read with some beautiful photographic imagery. If you aren't a military spouse this post will certainly put things in perspective for you.

Well, I really hope you give all these posts a read, they truly deserve it!!

All The Joys Friday Favorites


  1. Go to Vegas. Now. That is all! Oh, also thanks for linking up, and have a great weekend!

  2. I enjoyed every one of these posts. Thanks for sharing them with us.

  3. Thank you so much friend!! you are the best :)

  4. Girl. Stop what you're doing and go to Vegas right NOW!

  5. Thank you so much for sharing my post! And if you haven't left already, go to Vegas!

  6. Where did you go on your honeymoon instead? Beachy? There are really just too many fun places to go to and not enough time (or money!!).
